Baptists > Chat
Baptists Chatrooms
Baptists Fellowship Chat
& Baptists Bible Chat
Baptist Fellowship Chatroom
   This free service is provided so that believers can simply enjoy some relaxed fun, enjoyable conversation, and encouraging chat with other brothers and sisters in Christ.
   It's a place to soul-touch and minister to each other in the
   We would ask that you simply contribute to making  the chatroom a positive experience for all who use it.
   Also, keep in mind that you can always private someone when wanting to offer help, encouragement, or share something that you think may be a blessing to another.
   Enjoy the chatroom and thank you for visiting the Baptists web site!
Baptist Bible Chatroom
   This free service is provided so that believers who enjoy discussing Biblical truth have a venue to do so.
   You can discuss, persuade, and even argue here if you like.
   However, we would ask that you always maintain the Biblical rules of having a good Christian attitude in agreeing to disagree.  Keep it as lite as possible while enlightening others.
   Now, enjoy the chat and thank you for visiting the Baptists web site.


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